Insurance Submittal Procedures

  • The following steps should be taken when submitting insurance to Skanska for review/approval to avoid delays in the review process


  1. Review Project/Scope specific Insurance Documentation provided to Subcontractor with Bid Documents.  Review of Exhibit G (Insurance Requirements) and Exhibit Q (Environmental Insurance Requirements) if applicable to scope of work.
  2. If subcontractor cannot meet a particular requirement, this needs to be brought to Skanska's attention immediately; before submitting insurance for Review/Approval and most certainly before bidding a project.
  3. Review Project Information Page (included with Proejct/Scope specific Insurance Documenation) to verify the following:
    1. Project Information is accurately stated on all insurance documenation being provided to Skanska
    2. All Additional Insured entities are included in coverage
    3. All additional insurance coverages, if required in contract, are included with policies
  4. Review 41 Point Checklist and PEO/Leased Employees Checklist (if applicable) to verify insurance documentation is being submitted correctly
  5. All insurance documentation must be emailed in PDF format directly from Agent/Broker to Skanska for verification purposes.  (See Project/Scope specific Insurance Documenation for designated Insurance Administrator to whom paperwork should be submitted to. 
  6. All insurance documentation must be in PDF format and unlocked.  We prefer one PDF package of all documents starting with COI, but at times we may have to merge documents together to form one complete package.  If PDFs are locked, we cannot do this and Skanska will not print documents out to scan into an unlocked PDF document.  Documents submitted to us that are locked will be returned for version we can merge if needed.
  7. For routing purposes, the subject line of the email should state the following in order to easily identify:
    1. Subcontractor Name followed by
    2. Project Name
  8. All submissions must be complete and include the following regardless if the submission is an initial review request, a revision, or a renewal.  We will not piece together submission as this promotes inaccuracies:
    1. Certificate of Insurance (COI)
    2. All endorsements/Waivers for all policies
    3. Any other documentation requested by Skanska based on scope of work and/or previous reviews
  9. If requested by Skanska, after review, additional documentation may be needed to further verify coverages. 


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